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Zusammenfassung Englisch Leistungskurs - Abitur 2016
von lauragl
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Britain%u2019s past and present: from Empire to Commonwealth
- Facts
- Positive and negative aspects of the British Empire
- The UK and Europe
Monarchy and modern democracy
- Facts about the UK
- The political system in Great Britain
- Separation of Powers %u2013 the 3 branches of the powers and areas of responsibility in the UK
- Parliament
- The Head of the State: The Queen
- The Government
- Political Parties
- The role of the Queen %u2013 Advantages and Disadvantages
The American Dream then
- Historical landmarks of the American Dream
- Important documents
- Different aspects and definitions of the American Dream
- Major elements of the American Dream
- Martin Luther King %u2013 %u201CI have a dream%u201D
The American Dream now
- %u201CMelting pot%u201D and %u201Csalad bowl%u201D
- Pro and contra list
- The American Nightmare
- References to the Obama administration
A Streetcar Named Desire
- The plot
- Structure of the play
- The characters
- Comparison to the American Dream
The post-colonial experience in India
- Before Independence
- British Raj (rule over India) and Indian Independence %u2013 from 1858 %u2013 1947
- Gandhi and the Independence movement
- After Independence: India today
- The caste system
- India %u2013 a country of contrasts and diversity
- The role of women
- Arranged marriages
Ethnic communities in 21st - century Britain
- The present situation in Britain & Ethnic minorities in Great Britain
- Pro and Contra list of Multiculturalism and Immigration
- Muslims in Britain
- Integration and tolerance
- Second generation immigrants and typical problems / conflicts they have to face
Economic issues
- Multinational companies
Ecological issues
- Consequences of globalization
- Global warming
- Causes
- Counter measures
- Environmental policy
Cultural issues
- Values, lifestyle, communication
The beginning of globalization
Driving forces of globalization
Pro and contra list
Shakespeare and the Elizabethan World
- Who was Shakespeare?
- Timeline of Shakespeare%u2019s life
- Shakespearean plays
- The Shakespearean sonnet
- Themes
- The addressee
- Shakespeare%u2019s language
The Elizabethan Era
- Politics and economics
- Religion
- Culture
- The Great Chain of Being
- The development of theatre
- Staging
- Elizabethan Theatre
- Pro and contra list of teaching Shakespeare today
Romeo and Juliet
- The plot
- The protagonists
Science fiction, utopia and dystopia
- The term %u201Cutopia"
- The term %u201Cdystopia%u201D
- The term %u201Cscience fiction%u201D
- Comparison
Brave New World
- Plot
- The World State%u2019s Motto: Community, Identity, Stability
- The Creation of Citizens of the World State
- The different castes
- The social hierarchy of the World State
- The use of %u201Csoma%u201D
- Leisure %u2013 time activities
- The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning
- Helmholtz Watson
- Lenina Crowne
- Bernard Marx
- Mustapha Mond
- John the Savage
- Linda
- Dystopian elements in Brave New World
Science and ethics: genetic engineering
- General information
- Genetically modified food
- Genome editing
- Ethical issues / social problems
How to analyze a cartoon
How to analyze a poem or a song
How to analyze fictional texts
- Point of view
- Mode of presentation
- Characters
How to analyze charts and graphs
Stylistic devices
- Imagery
- Sound
- Structure
- Miscellaneous
How to write a comment
How to write a speech
How to write a formal letter
- A letter to the editor
Britain%u2019s past and present: from Empire to Commonwealth
- Facts
- Positive and negative aspects of the British Empire
- The UK and Europe
Monarchy and modern democracy
- Facts about the UK
- The political system in Great Britain
- Separation of Powers %u2013 the 3 branches of the powers and areas of responsibility in the UK
- Parliament
- The Head of the State: The Queen
- The Government
- Political Parties
- The role of the Queen %u2013 Advantages and Disadvantages
The American Dream then
- Historical landmarks of the American Dream
- Important documents
- Different aspects and definitions of the American Dream
- Major elements of the American Dream
- Martin Luther King %u2013 %u201CI have a dream%u201D
The American Dream now
- %u201CMelting pot%u201D and %u201Csalad bowl%u201D
- Pro and contra list
- The American Nightmare
- References to the Obama administration
A Streetcar Named Desire
- The plot
- Structure of the play
- The characters
- Comparison to the American Dream
The post-colonial experience in India
- Before Independence
- British Raj (rule over India) and Indian Independence %u2013 from 1858 %u2013 1947
- Gandhi and the Independence movement
- After Independence: India today
- The caste system
- India %u2013 a country of contrasts and diversity
- The role of women
- Arranged marriages
Ethnic communities in 21st - century Britain
- The present situation in Britain & Ethnic minorities in Great Britain
- Pro and Contra list of Multiculturalism and Immigration
- Muslims in Britain
- Integration and tolerance
- Second generation immigrants and typical problems / conflicts they have to face
Economic issues
- Multinational companies
Ecological issues
- Consequences of globalization
- Global warming
- Causes
- Counter measures
- Environmental policy
Cultural issues
- Values, lifestyle, communication
The beginning of globalization
Driving forces of globalization
Pro and contra list
Shakespeare and the Elizabethan World
- Who was Shakespeare?
- Timeline of Shakespeare%u2019s life
- Shakespearean plays
- The Shakespearean sonnet
- Themes
- The addressee
- Shakespeare%u2019s language
The Elizabethan Era
- Politics and economics
- Religion
- Culture
- The Great Chain of Being
- The development of theatre
- Staging
- Elizabethan Theatre
- Pro and contra list of teaching Shakespeare today
Romeo and Juliet
- The plot
- The protagonists
Science fiction, utopia and dystopia
- The term %u201Cutopia"
- The term %u201Cdystopia%u201D
- The term %u201Cscience fiction%u201D
- Comparison
Brave New World
- Plot
- The World State%u2019s Motto: Community, Identity, Stability
- The Creation of Citizens of the World State
- The different castes
- The social hierarchy of the World State
- The use of %u201Csoma%u201D
- Leisure %u2013 time activities
- The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning
- Helmholtz Watson
- Lenina Crowne
- Bernard Marx
- Mustapha Mond
- John the Savage
- Linda
- Dystopian elements in Brave New World
Science and ethics: genetic engineering
- General information
- Genetically modified food
- Genome editing
- Ethical issues / social problems
How to analyze a cartoon
How to analyze a poem or a song
How to analyze fictional texts
- Point of view
- Mode of presentation
- Characters
How to analyze charts and graphs
Stylistic devices
- Imagery
- Sound
- Structure
- Miscellaneous
How to write a comment
How to write a speech
How to write a formal letter
- A letter to the editor
Passende Suchbegriffe:
Bundesland, Abiturjahrgang und Facher:
Abiturjahrgang 2016 | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Englisch
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Datei-ID: | 24034 |
Dateityp: | doc |
Dateiname: | Englisch_LK.doc |
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Uploader: | lauragl |
Hochgeladen am: | 03.04.2016 um 15:00 Uhr |
Datei-ID: | 24034 |
Dateityp: | doc |
Dateiname: | Englisch_LK.doc |
Größe: | 1.64 MB |
Downloads: | 25,452 |
Kommentare: | 102 |
Hilfreich: | 145 |
Nicht Hilfreich: | 3 |
Laut Community
Ø14.94 Punkte
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15 Punkte | 17 |
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