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Englisch Lernzettel LK Abitur Niedersachsen 2022
von paulamathilde
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1. Gender and Idenitity
1.1 Sexism (women in the last years)
1.2 Stereotypes
1.3 Transgender
1.4 Immigration
2. Short Stories (Freytags pyramid)
2.1 Loose Change
2.2 She Shall not be moved (guilt, prejudice)
2.3 The escape
2.4 The fifth and final continent
2.5 Climax
2.6 Connection to Postcolonial writing
3. Analyzing methods
3.1 Freuds model (Ego Defense Mechanism)
3.2 Maslow Pyramid + Definition Identity and Belonging
3.3 Symbolic Interactionism
3.4 Nature vs. Nuture
3.5 Convergent and Divergent Questions
3.6 Kohlbergs Stages of moral development
4. Postcolonial writing & colonialism
5. Brexit
5.1 Argument
5.2 History
5.3 Outcome
6. USA
6.1 US System (Election, Presidency)
6.2 Gun control in America, gun laws
6.3 American Dream vs. American Nightmare
6.4 Hmong Culture and US History
6.5 Detroit and Industrialization
6.6 Korean War
7. Gran Torino
7.1 Plot
7.2 Characters
7.3 Setting
7.4 Important Themes
7.4.1 Heroism
7.4.2 The American Dream
7.4.3 Masculinity (Gangs)
7.4.4 Family and Belonging
7.4.5 Racism and Cultural Clash
7.4.6 Guilt and Redemption
7.5 Motifs and Symbols
8. Poetry and Stylistic Devices (Amanda Gorman)
9. Of Mice and Men (Power Points)
10. Text types
10.1 Outline
10.2 Summary
10.3 Comment
10.4 E Mail & Letter
10.5 Inner Monologue
10.6 Characterization
10.7 Blog entry
10.8 Argumentative Essay
1.1 Sexism (women in the last years)
1.2 Stereotypes
1.3 Transgender
1.4 Immigration
2. Short Stories (Freytags pyramid)
2.1 Loose Change
2.2 She Shall not be moved (guilt, prejudice)
2.3 The escape
2.4 The fifth and final continent
2.5 Climax
2.6 Connection to Postcolonial writing
3. Analyzing methods
3.1 Freuds model (Ego Defense Mechanism)
3.2 Maslow Pyramid + Definition Identity and Belonging
3.3 Symbolic Interactionism
3.4 Nature vs. Nuture
3.5 Convergent and Divergent Questions
3.6 Kohlbergs Stages of moral development
4. Postcolonial writing & colonialism
5. Brexit
5.1 Argument
5.2 History
5.3 Outcome
6. USA
6.1 US System (Election, Presidency)
6.2 Gun control in America, gun laws
6.3 American Dream vs. American Nightmare
6.4 Hmong Culture and US History
6.5 Detroit and Industrialization
6.6 Korean War
7. Gran Torino
7.1 Plot
7.2 Characters
7.3 Setting
7.4 Important Themes
7.4.1 Heroism
7.4.2 The American Dream
7.4.3 Masculinity (Gangs)
7.4.4 Family and Belonging
7.4.5 Racism and Cultural Clash
7.4.6 Guilt and Redemption
7.5 Motifs and Symbols
8. Poetry and Stylistic Devices (Amanda Gorman)
9. Of Mice and Men (Power Points)
10. Text types
10.1 Outline
10.2 Summary
10.3 Comment
10.4 E Mail & Letter
10.5 Inner Monologue
10.6 Characterization
10.7 Blog entry
10.8 Argumentative Essay
Passende Suchbegriffe:
Bundesland, Abiturjahrgang und Facher:
Abiturjahrgang 2022 | Niedersachsen | Englisch
KostenlosUploader: | paulamathilde |
Hochgeladen am: | 03.04.2022 um 11:54 Uhr |
Datei-ID: | 38255 |
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Dateiname: | Englisch_AbiLernzett[...].pdf |
Größe: | 22.7 MB |
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- malemanipulator vor 1056 Tagen | 2 PunkteEhre
- devian vor 1071 Tagen | 0 PunktVielen Dank für das Teilen :)
- Potterhead3004 vor 1060 Tagen | 0 Punkt15 PunkteDanke!
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Uploader: | paulamathilde |
Hochgeladen am: | 03.04.2022 um 11:54 Uhr |
Datei-ID: | 38255 |
Dateityp: | |
Dateiname: | Englisch_AbiLernzett[...].pdf |
Größe: | 22.7 MB |
Downloads: | 5,086 |
Kommentare: | 3 |
Hilfreich: | 49 |
Nicht Hilfreich: | 2 |
LehrerbewertungLaut Uploader15Punkte
Laut Community
Ø15.00 Punkte
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9 Punkte | 0 | |
10 Punkte | 0 | |
11 Punkte | 0 | |
12 Punkte | 0 | |
13 Punkte | 0 | |
14 Punkte | 0 | |
15 Punkte | 1 |
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