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Interaktives Inhaltsverzeichnis im Dokument
Linking Words
Mother to Mother (Sindiwe Magona)
→Ethnic and cultural diversity
→Apartheid in South Africa
→Accountability and justice (Verantwortlichkeit und Gerechtigkeit)
Short stories
“Loose Change” (Andrea Levy)
“She Shall Not Be Moved” (Shereen Pandit)
→Postcolonial experience
→Displacement: questions of belonging and identity
Concepts of National identity
Dictionary: Talking about national identity and belonging
Movie: Gran Torino (Clint Eastwood)
→Cultural clashes
→Gang culture and violence
→“American moments”
Gun control and gun culture in the US
Ambiguity of belonging
The American Dream
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Interaktives Inhaltsverzeichnis im Dokument
Linking Words
Mother to Mother (Sindiwe Magona)
→Ethnic and cultural diversity
→Apartheid in South Africa
→Accountability and justice (Verantwortlichkeit und Gerechtigkeit)
Short stories
“Loose Change” (Andrea Levy)
“She Shall Not Be Moved” (Shereen Pandit)
→Postcolonial experience
→Displacement: questions of belonging and identity
Concepts of National identity
Dictionary: Talking about national identity and belonging
Movie: Gran Torino (Clint Eastwood)
→Cultural clashes
→Gang culture and violence
→“American moments”
Gun control and gun culture in the US
Ambiguity of belonging
The American Dream
Passende Suchbegriffe:
Bundesland, Abiturjahrgang und Facher:
Abiturjahrgang 2022 | Niedersachsen | Englisch
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Hochgeladen am: | 23.04.2022 um 11:59 Uhr |
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Uploader: | agans8 |
Hochgeladen am: | 23.04.2022 um 11:59 Uhr |
Datei-ID: | 38566 |
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Dateiname: | Zusammenfassung_Engl[...].pdf |
Größe: | 1.95 MB |
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